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Detailed research was conducted to locate a site for the proposed new dam, after which the engineers went to undertake this task with the latest scientific equipment at their disposal. Finally, the firm hired for this project  what they thought was the most suitable site to commence building work on the dam. What they discovered was so astonishing that they were almost speechless, and it sent their senses reeling when they found that the ancient Sinhalese kings and engineers had constructed a dam at the identical spot to conserve the waters of the Maduru Oya. It seems that a psychic bridge had been built across the centuries between the ancient engineers and the engineers of the present day, and in a brief moment their lives were intertwined. And this dam was built thousands of years ago without theodolite (which is a surveyor's instrument used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles) and modern state of the art equipment.  The foreign engineers working on this project also witnessed this jaw dropping discovery and were at a loss for words. This once again confirms to me - in my humble opinion - that the ancient Sinhalese were geniuses who possessed the most advanced hydraulic expertise in the world

Written by - Bernard VanCuylenburg

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